Modern Slavery Statement

Wavetel Business Limited is totally dedicated to stopping modern slavery and human trafficking, and we will not put up with or approve of any identified instances of these crimes occurring within our supply chains or activities.

This statement outlines the actions our company has taken to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in its supply chains and operations, in compliance with the 2015 Modern Slavery Act.

In order to safeguard vulnerable workers and stop violations of human rights, we are dedicated to upholding our responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act and to utilizing our power to promote more transparency on this matter.

We do not accept coercion, child labor, forced labor, threats, abuse, violence, or intimidation from our suppliers or workers.

Modern Slavery Policies

Wavetel Business Limited has put in place a thorough policy to avoid human trafficking and modern slavery. This policy outlines the procedures we employ to uphold and carry out our commitment to stopping modern slavery and human trafficking. Our staff has been informed of our policy and our commitment, and they are encouraged to take appropriate action.

Our method of identifying human trafficking and slavery is risk-based and is based on a number of factors, including supplier ties, industry sector, product or service location, and current data that is supplemented with extra information and assistance.

Identification of Risk

The majority of Wavetel Business Limited's supply chain is located in the United Kingdom. To identify and prioritize any areas where we can contribute the greatest leverage in terms of preventing modern slavery, we have initiated a risk assessment of supply chain activities.

Strong procedures that guarantee a person's identification is verified and they have the legal authority to work in the UK underpin Wavetel Business's direct employment policy. By implementing this policy and having our personnel conduct right-to-work checks, we reduce the possibility of hiring people who may be victims of human trafficking or forced labor.

We take the following actions when recruiting:

Direct employment

  • We constantly make sure that every employee has a formal contract of employment and hasn't paid any upfront or hidden costs to get a job.
  • We constantly make sure that employees may lawfully work in the nation where they are hired.
  • We verify the identities and addresses of our employees (several persons claiming the same address could be a sign of high shared occupancy, which is frequently a reason for people to be taken advantage of).
  • The HR Department will adhere to our reporting protocols if, during the recruitment process, we come to believe that someone is being exploited.

Communication and Training

The commitment of Wavetel Business Limited to stop human trafficking and modern slavery comes straight from our board of directors. Their leadership and dedication to this significant social issue have been shared among staff members and external partners in the supply chain and subcontractors.

All employees of Wavetel Business Limited must complete a training course on the Modern Slavery Act 2015 on induction and annually thereafter.

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