1. Download link: http://tftpd32.jounin.net/
  2. Run downloaded .exe file by right click select run as administrator click next and finish installation wizard
  3. Open Tftpd64 program, click on Settings button.
  4. Select only to TFTP Server option. Remove check mark from all other options.
  5. Then select TFTP tab. Click on Browse button to specify Base Directory. You need to specify the Base Directory of the TFTP Server. You can create a folder for example C:\TFTP 
    IMP: Copy firmware file in this TFTP folder and we need to use only one file in Phone interface “.loads” file.
  6. Under TFTP Security, select the option None
  7. Under Advanced TFTP Options, select all options which are selected in below screenshot. 
    A very important Step, Bind TFTP to this address: To set the IP address for TFTP server, please select the option Bind TFTP to this address then select the LAN IP address available for you.
  8. Once you have performed all the above steps, Click on OK. Now you will receive a window asking to restart Tftpd64 to apply the new settings. Click  on  OK.
  9. Reopen Tftpd64 program. just ensure that you selected same IP address for Server Interface.
    Note: Please remember that the Tftpd64 application should be running when any TFTP related job is done. If you close this application, TFTP server will be terminated.
  10. Successfully completed all the above steps then your TFTP Server is ready to use.
  • Open browser and put below URL:
  • http://<Phone IP>/admin/upgrade?tftp://<TFTP Server IP:port>/sip88xx.11-0-0MPP-7.loads
  • Second way -> Goto phone web interface -> login as Admin/Advanced -> Goto Provisioning tab -> enter below URL in UPGRADE RULE under Firmware section
  • tftp://<tftp server IP:port>/<.loads file name>
  • Please make note that port should be used which mentioned in TFTP server.