Step 1- Make sure the router is turned ON , is connected to the electrical socket properly.

Step 2- Check the Microfilters.



Step 3- Connect a PC directly to the router.

Step 4- Using an internet browser ( e.g. Internet Explorer ) , Go to OR

Step 5- If Step 4 hasn't worked , try to ping both addresses 

Step 6- If Step 5 hasn't worked , try to ping

Step 7- Change the DNS settings on the Network Interface Card as follows:

Primary DNS Server :

Secondary DNS Server :

Then disable and enable the Network Interface Card, and repeat from Step 4 - 6.

Step 8- If the router's GUI is accessible 

a) Upgrade the router to its latest Firmware.

b) Re-authenticate the ISP username and password.

c)  Repeat from Step 4 - 6.

Step 9- Reboot the router and repeat from Step 4 - 6.

Step 10- If all the above has not worked; Get Wavetel to carry out a line test.

Please be aware while the line test takes place users can experience internet drop (in case if the internet was working but it was slow) . 

Step 11- If Wavetel confirms that line test has failed they will then book an engineer to visit the site. 

If an engineer finds no fault on site then there could be a potential charge which customer will have to pay.