Carbon Reduction Plan

Supplier name:

Wavetel Business Limited

Publication date: 12/12/2023

Commitment to achieving Net Zero

Wavetel Business Limited is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050 at the latest.


Baseline Emissions Footprint

The amount of greenhouse gases created in the past, before any initiatives to reduce emissions were implemented, is recorded as baseline emissions. The reference point for measuring emissions decrease is the baseline emissions.

Baseline Year: 2023
Additional Details relating to the Baseline Emissions calculations.
The term "baseline emissions" refers to the amount of greenhouse gases created in the past, before emission reduction techniques were put into place. As a result, we may use these as a benchmark to gauge how well we're doing at cutting emissions. Since Wavetel Business Limited has never before evaluated or reported emissions, this year serves as the baseline. As a group, we have decided to drive less as one of our first environmental steps toward minimizing our impact. For instance, taking public transit, working from home, or walking to and from work whenever possible. This lowers CO2 emissions while also decreasing traffic jams and the accompanying engine idling.
Scope 1 14.10 tons of CO2e
Scope 2 20.80 tons of CO2e
Scope 2 20.80 tons of CO2e
Scope 3 (Included Sources) 1.1 tons of CO2e – staff commuting
Total Emissions 36 tons of CO2e


Current Emissions Reporting


Reporting Year: 2023
Scope 1 14.10 tons of CO2e
Scope 2 20.80 tons of CO2e
Scope 2 20.80 tons of CO2e
Scope 3 (Included Sources) 1.1 tons of CO2e – staff commuting
Total Emissions 36 tons of CO2e


Emissions reduction targets

The following carbon reduction targets, which demonstrate Chiltern's commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2050 and our efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions over the next 28 years, are part of our ongoing efforts to reach Net Zero.

  • Improving energy efficiency will help us use less energy at work
  • Promoting the continued usage of cloud-based IT solutions and web/remote access assistance whenever feasible.
  • Creating a more ethical attitude to corporate travel by utilizing more sustainable solutions or cutting back on travel.
  • Improving the sustainability and effectiveness of our organization, cutting costs and pollutants in areas like completely paperless communications, and cutting back on waste in general

Carbon Reduction Projects

Completed Carbon Reduction Initiatives

Since the 2022 baseline, the following environmental management initiatives and measures have been finished or put into practice. These programs' reductions in carbon emissions will guarantee progress toward the 2023 baseline, and the measures will be implemented throughout contract fulfillment.

To lower the quantity of carbon we produce, we have improvement initiatives in place. The biggest things we do to contribute to carbon are travel and utility expenses.

In order to lessen our environmental effect, we have made changes to reduce travel. We try to use Teams for meetings and public transportation for any necessary travel. As a telecom company, we try to hire people from the area, which lessens the need for travel and our carbon footprint.

In the future we hope to implement further measures such as:

  • Potential electric vehicles
  • Reducing waste, reusing where possible & increasing recycling opportunities
  • Reducing and rethinking transportation options
  • Plant trees to offset emissions
  • Upgrading heating controls – smart meter - in the office to monitor and reduce usage to become more energy efficient
  • Using low energy lighting with motion sensors to reduce usage

Declaration and Sign Off

The completion of this carbon reduction plan complies with PPN 06/21, as well as related guidelines and reporting standards for carbon reduction plans.

The emissions have been documented and reported in compliance with the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard4, the published reporting standard for carbon reduction plans, and the applicable government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting5.

The required subset of Scope 3 emissions has been reported in compliance with the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard6 and the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans. Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR standards.

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or equivalent management body).



Signed on behalf of the Supplier:

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